SWPS, MG0202

Fazenda das Perobas Airport
Prudente de Morais, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Changes to SWPS, MG0202

2024-04-19 15:52:14



Moved marker to runway. Added: new ICAO identifier, local code and pilot info link.

Changed municipality from "Prudente De Morais" to "Prudente de Morais"
Changed longitude_deg from "-44.1578" to "-44.1586"
Changed elevation_ft from "2762" to "2789"
Changed gps_code from "" to "SWPS"
Changed local_code from "" to "MG0202"
Changed pilot_link from "" to "https://aisweb.decea.mil.br/?i=aerodromos&codigo=SWPS"
Changed zoom from "14" to "16"

2022-11-12 13:29:45



Automatic update of GPS codes

Changed gps_code from "SWJX" to ""
Changed keywords from "" to "SWJX"

2010-02-03 12:18:15



(no change comment)

Changed municipality from "Prudente de Morais" to "Prudente De Morais"

2008-12-19 19:32:34



Batch updates

Fazenda das Perobas Airport