CLOSED Planaltina Airport
Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil

Changes to SWPV

2022-12-09 13:34:15



Closed, SWPV is now: Dom Rodrigo El Manco Airstrip, Piracuruca, Piauí.

Changed type from "small_airport" to "closed"
Changed latitude_deg from "-15.6789" to "-15.68"
Changed longitude_deg from "-47.5442" to "-47.5402"
Changed elevation_ft from "3806" to "3822"
Changed local_code from "DF0002" to ""
Changed keywords from "SWPV" to "SWPV, DF0002"
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2020-07-14 02:17:58



Deleted ICAO identifier, SWPV became: Porto Walter Airport, Porto Walter, Acre, which is now: SIRW. Added local code and pilot info link.

Changed gps_code from "SWPV" to ""
Changed local_code from "" to "DF0002"
Changed pilot_link from "" to "https://pergamum.anac.gov.br/arquivos/PA2019-0564.pdf"
Changed keywords from "" to "SWPV"

2010-01-01 17:27:25



(no change comment)

Changed municipality from "Planaltina" to "Brasília"

2008-06-24 09:40:26

Anonymous flyer


Brazilian updates from Raul Robledo

Planaltina Airport