Argyle International Airport problem reports

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Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

I was told that a VOR is located at TVSA/SVD, and that VOR approach is also available for Runway 04, but I can't find any evidence of these facts, or a frequency for a VOR, in any aviation articles I followed or site that offer some kind for free charts or informs of airports in the Southern Caribbean. Oddly these aviation articles and sites shows or give the VOR information for the nearest VOR airports to TVSA and their frequencies under the list for TVSA. Are those other airports they listed, TBPB/BGI; TGPY/GND and TLPL/UVF have responsibility for TVSA/SVD the reason? From an aviation student. thanks.

2020-10-15 14:22:12 rejected 2020-10-31 13:30:34