Changes to US-0035
2020-05-06 09:05:27
Closed, FAA deletion 10/25/07. Replaced pilot info with archived link. 3NC8 is now: Chinquapin Heliport, Cashiers, NC.
2020-05-06 09:05:27
Closed, FAA deletion 10/25/07. Replaced pilot info with archived link. 3NC8 is now: Chinquapin Heliport, Cashiers, NC.
2020-05-06 09:05:27
Closed, FAA deletion 10/25/07. Replaced pilot info with archived link. 3NC8 is now: Chinquapin Heliport, Cashiers, NC.
2020-05-06 09:05:27
Closed, FAA deletion 10/25/07. Replaced pilot info with archived link. 3NC8 is now: Chinquapin Heliport, Cashiers, NC.
Changed type
from "small_airport"
to "closed"
Changed pilot_link
from ""
to ""
Changed keywords
from ""
to "3NC8"
2009-12-23 11:45:40
(no change comment)
Changed type
from "heliport"
to "small_airport"
Changed name
from "Chinquapin Heliport"
to "Stephenson Farms Airport"
Changed municipality
from "Cashiers"
to "Seaboard"
Changed latitude_deg
from "35.1579"
to "36.4407"
Changed longitude_deg
from "-83.067"
to "-77.4591"
Changed elevation_ft
from "4200"
to "138"
Changed local_code
from "3NC8"
to ""