Weather at Ropkey Field

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Ropkey Field

Closest report is Crawfordsville Regional Airport, 7.6 nm (14.0 km) SW.

2024/12/27 18:15 (retrieved 10 minutes ago)

KCFJ 271815Z AUTO 15013KT 7SM -DZ OVC007 09/06 A2985 RMK AO2 T00850056

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Ropkey Field

Closest forecast is Purdue University Airport, 22.3 nm (41.3 km) NNW.

2024/12/27 18:22 (retrieved 3 minutes ago)

TAF KLAF 271720Z 2718/2818 13013G22KT 4SM -SHRA OVC012 FM271900 14013G23KT 4SM BR OVC009 TEMPO 2719/2721 P6SM -SHRA OVC005 FM272100 15013G23KT P6SM OVC006 TEMPO 2721/2722 6SM -SHRA OVC012 FM280200 18012G21KT 3SM -SHRA OVC006 FM280600 21012G21KT P6SM OVC012 PROB30 2806/2807 6SM -SHRA OVC015