Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Forseth Field
Closest report is Tri-County Regional Airport, 10.7 nm (19.9 km) NW.
2025/01/15 18:56 (retrieved 32 minutes ago)
KLNR 151856Z AUTO 22009KT 10SM CLR M07/M15 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP256 T10671150
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Forseth Field
Closest forecast is Dane County Regional Truax Field, 29.1 nm (53.9 km) E.
2025/01/15 18:42 (retrieved 46 minutes ago)
TAF KMSN 151739Z 1518/1618 23009KT P6SM FEW250 FM152200 21011G22KT P6SM SCT035 BKN150 PROB30 1601/1604 4SM -SN OVC030 FM160400 23012G20KT P6SM OVC030 PROB30 1604/1607 4SM -SN OVC015 FM160800 27010G19KT P6SM BKN018 FM161400 30012G20KT P6SM BKN020