Weather at Sanders Airport [CLOSED]

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Sanders Airport

Closest report is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, 5.4 nm (10.0 km) NNW.

2025/01/06 22:51 (retrieved 29 minutes ago)

KPHX 062251Z 00000KT 10SM FEW140 FEW250 22/M11 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP135 T02171111

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Sanders Airport

Closest forecast is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, 5.4 nm (10.0 km) NNW.

2025/01/06 21:04 Ammendment (retrieved 2 hours ago)

TAF AMD KPHX 062101Z 0621/0724 VRB03KT P6SM BKN250 FM062200 27005KT P6SM FEW250 FM070500 10005KT P6SM SKC