Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to RT-415 Landing Strip
Closest report is Cairns AAF (Fort Rucker) Air Field, 16.8 nm (31.1 km) SSE.
2025/01/18 23:44 (retrieved 11 minutes ago)
KOZR 182344Z AUTO 17007G19KT 10SM -DZ BKN100 OVC120 19/16 A2977 RMK AO2 DZB44 SLP082
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to RT-415 Landing Strip
Closest forecast is Dothan Regional Airport, 24.3 nm (44.9 km) ESE.
2025/01/18 18:22 (retrieved 6 hours ago)
TAF KDHN 181720Z 1818/1918 10005KT P6SM BKN018 BKN024 OVC030 FM182000 23008KT P6SM -SHRA BKN015 FM190300 21008KT P6SM OVC050 FM190600 24006KT P6SM BKN035 FM191200 30013G25KT P6SM BKN010