Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport

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OurAirports members at DAC

Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport is the home base for 26 OurAirports members. It has had 47 visitors.

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(no subject)

Danger here night shoot out here

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(no subject)

Here Soniagandhi all her families located at all airports fake calls on taking airport s into control false police with

Picture of Sumon


Need to display a billbord outside ...

Sothat passenger can see his flight status

Or rectify at the last moment

Picture of arnob_the_pilot

(no subject)

It is Improving! We are building our 3rd terminal soon. And we hope that VGHS will be the best airport in Asia in some years.

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biman riadh to dhaka time seduel

1..troly is not avolable inside airport for caring luges.

2..we need biman dac...ruh and ruh...dac time seduale changs.we need biman ruh....dac landing time 8am

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re: International Flight landing time sedule 28/10/2013

landing times.

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International Flight landing time sedule 27/10/2013

saudia airlines landing time sedules

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Very bad

The airport quality is very bad and poor....may be u stand long time im immigration

Picture of Anuj

Sweet Shop

The sweet shop in the terminal is great. The bengali sweets they have are the best I've ever tasted.

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Good Help!

This website is a great help for people are expecting someone to arrive as Dhaka airport doesn't allow anyone except passengers inside the airport ( only if u pay about TK1000) lolz.

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Having Difficulties!

I just back from Jeddah on last Monday and transit at HSIA airport, as we have around 6 hours transit time, we couldn't go anywhere instead mingle around the airport, enduring the mosquito bite is not a good things around this airport as it was stated as International airport.. One thing that I most regret is when the process of check in. That day I am having a bad flu/fever, I am a patient with Asthma Bronchitis problem, when they checking on me, they took my Vicks vaporax and another medical (liquid) but it was less then 20ml.. They even want to take my turbo haler. I told them not to take my turbo haler as it was my life support, if anything happen to me inside a plane how can I survive?? Only then they agreed not to take the turbo haler but still they took those two medicine. I was very upset! Inside the flight I was trembling all the way from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur, I try to ask the cabin crew but they didn't have any oil to make me warm. It was a nightmare to me!! I will never going back to this airport again in the future!!!!!!!!

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airport name changed

its no longer called Zia intl airport. it is now HSIA hazrat shahjalal intl airport. ICAO code changed to VGHS insted of VGZR

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