Buri Ram Airport

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May 2014

So far the NOK air has stopped the flights to Buriram Airport. A short phone call to the customer service I was informed that the flights will later continue.

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looks better now

I wrote about "to get flights" April 28 2012. The good news are that NOK Air will take care the flights from the next month three times per week. Thanks to everyone who was in charge to activate the route.

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To get flights

There are lack of a real traffic to and from this airport. At the late of 1990,s airport had a customers and travellers with several different operators one by one. But why everything has been closed down? First Thai Airways operated with a multiple routing Bangkok-NakhonRatchasimä-Buriram. This could be a new way again to enable this airport traffic and customers. For example a route together to Roi ET unused new airport.

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