Soewondo Air Force Base

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OurAirports members at MES

Soewondo Air Force Base is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 21 visitors.

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Picture of FLUNKN


Please note: This airport's ICAO identifier is now WIMK (IATA MES). There was a new airport constructed that has the ICAO identifier WIMM (IATA KNO).

Picture of ptomblin


Reply to @FLUNKN: I've added the Kuala Namu WIMM airport.

Picture of YD1TNK

ILS RWY 05: 110,1 Mhz.

ILS RWY 05 at freq.: 110,1 Mhz. Please notify that arrival from South East MSA: 7500 feet, arrival from South West: 9000 feet, MSA at North MES is 1500 feet, but keep your ALT 025 according to many tower and building. Then lefthand down wind after MDN DME 6,6 approaching ILS RWY 05. After D5.5 MDN you must adjust your HDG between 046 - 048 degrees aligning the RWY HDG. Make a fast descent after VOR DME MDN from ALT 025 to ALT 009, otherwise you missed approach the RWY by over shoot it ....

Picture of

Update NOTAM

Is NOTAM about re-open RWY 05/23 after aircraft block on RWY released?

Picture of kiwic208

Runway Information

RWY 05/23

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