Prince Charles Hospital Helipad

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OurAirports members at YPRC

Prince Charles Hospital Helipad is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of DuffmanOz

(no subject)

you can expect one one helicopter a day and usually come in later on into the after noon if not sometimes after dark. The most common aircraft here would be a AW139 (either RACQ or Lifeflight). I have to warn people who wish to watch or even video/photograph anything. It is government and is an active hospital. meaning they will be transporting a patient. If you have the courage to ask security to make sure that they are okay with you being there because usually i have no trouble with the security there but i have been questioned before but that's usually jus to make sure i am not recording anything that may include crew or that patient being transported.

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