Comment "Shut down on weekends" on Elliot Lake Municipal Airport, Canada

Picture of david

Shut down on weekends

This is a great little airport!

Unfortunately, the City of Elliot Lake has decided to close the FBO on the weekends, with a $75 callout charge if you need fuel, and no airside access for transients. I doubt they understand how this will drive away the tourism the city so desperately needs (with its uranium mines closed for almost 20 years), especially during the busy summer season from Victoria Day to Thanksgiving -- I imagine the Stone Ridge Golf Club, which picks up patrons at the airport when they fly in to play, will be especially unimpressed.

The decision also means no METAR from Elliot Lake on the weekends (a problem for people flying along the north shore of Lake Huron), and no local civil weather (Weather Channel, etc.) for the people of Elliot Lake on the weekends.

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