Airports in East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea

Airports 1 to 50 of 59 (by popularity)

medium airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

Hotmin Airstrip

Hotmin Mission

small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

Kapaimeri Airstrip

Kapaimeri Mission

small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

Kosimbi Airstrip

Kosimbi Mission

small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
closed airport marker