Airports near the Burley VOR-DME (BYI)

Airports 1 to 50

heliport marker

Cassia Regional Hospital Heliport

Burley, Idaho, United States 8 km (4 nm) SE

medium airport marker

Burley Municipal Airport

Burley, Idaho, United States 8 km (4 nm) ESE


closed airport marker

Savage Ranch Landing Area

Burley, Idaho, United States 11 km (6 nm) S

closed airport marker

Klosterman Landing Area

Rupert, Idaho, United States 12 km (6 nm) NE

heliport marker

Minidoka Memorial Hospital Heliport

Rupert, Idaho, United States 15 km (8 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Kenyon Airstrip

Burley, Idaho, United States 16 km (8 nm) S


small airport marker

Hazelton Municipal Airport

Hazelton, Idaho, United States 22 km (11 nm) W


closed airport marker

Newton Brothers Airport

Rupert, Idaho, United States 28 km (15 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Kimama Airport

Paul, Idaho, United States 29 km (15 nm) NNE

closed airport marker

Mason Airport

Murtaugh, Idaho, United States 29 km (15 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Albion Municipal Airport

Albion, Idaho, United States 32 km (17 nm) SE

closed airport marker

Jentsch Kearl Farms Number 1 Airport

Rupert, Idaho, United States 37 km (20 nm) NE

small airport marker

Fairbanks Airfield

Eden, Idaho, United States 38 km (20 nm) W


small airport marker

Jentsch Kearl Farms Number 2 Airport

Rupert, Idaho, United States 38 km (20 nm) NE

small airport marker

Oakley Municipal Airport

Oakley, Idaho, United States 38 km (20 nm) S

heliport marker

Sligars Landing Heliport

Kimberly, Idaho, United States 40 km (21 nm) W

heliport marker

Sun Valley Gun Club Heliport

Sun Valley, Idaho, United States 41 km (22 nm) WNW

closed airport marker

Rock Creek Airport

Kimberly, Idaho, United States 41 km (22 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Yale Road Airport

Declo, Idaho, United States 47 km (25 nm) E

small airport marker

Dietrich Airport

Dietrich, Idaho, United States 49 km (26 nm) NW

closed airport marker

Malta Airport

Malta, Idaho, United States 50 km (27 nm) SE

small airport marker

Jerome County Airport

Jerome, Idaho, United States 51 km (27 nm) WNW


closed airport marker

Magic Valley Regional Medical Center Heliport

Twin Falls, Idaho, United States 51 km (27 nm) W

heliport marker

MVRMC Number 2 Heliport

Twin Falls, Idaho, United States 51 km (27 nm) W

heliport marker

St Luke's Magic Valley Heliport

Twin Falls, Idaho, United States 51 km (27 nm) W

small airport marker

Laidlaw Corrals Airport

Paul, Idaho, United States 51 km (28 nm) NNE

medium airport marker

Joslin Field Magic Valley Regional Airport

Twin Falls, Idaho, United States 52 km (28 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Heglar Creek Airport

Declo, Idaho, United States 52 km (28 nm) E

heliport marker

Shetler's Heliport

Twin Falls, Idaho, United States 55 km (30 nm) W

heliport marker

St. Benedicts Helipad

Jerome, Idaho, United States 55 km (30 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Fecundity Farm Strip Airport

Twin Falls, Idaho, United States 55 km (30 nm) W

small airport marker

Huddleston Airport

Filer, Idaho, United States 56 km (30 nm) W

closed airport marker

Reynolds Airport

Richfield, Idaho, United States 57 km (30 nm) NNW

closed airport marker

Interstate Airport

Malta, Idaho, United States 57 km (31 nm) SE

small airport marker

Shoshone Landing Area

Shoshone, Idaho, United States 58 km (31 nm) NW

closed airport marker

Shoshone BLM Heliport

Shoshone, Idaho, United States 59 km (32 nm) NW

small airport marker

Bear Trap Airport

Minidoka, Idaho, United States 60 km (32 nm) NE

small airport marker

Ziggy's Airport

Filer, Idaho, United States 60 km (32 nm) W

closed airport marker

Rehn Ranch Airport

Declo, Idaho, United States 61 km (32 nm) E

small airport marker

Black Butte Ranch Airport

Shoshone, Idaho, United States 71 km (38 nm) NW


closed airport marker

Bredding Ranch Landing Area

American Falls, Idaho, United States 72 km (39 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Buhl Municipal Airport

Buhl, Idaho, United States 76 km (41 nm) W

1 3

heliport marker

North Canyon Medical Center Heliport

Gooding, Idaho, United States 78 km (42 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Carey Airport

Carey, Idaho, United States 81 km (43 nm) N

small airport marker

Gooding Municipal Airport

Gooding, Idaho, United States 82 km (44 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Picabo Airport

Picabo, Idaho, United States 82 km (44 nm) N


small airport marker

Hollow Top Airport

Martin, Idaho, United States 85 km (46 nm) NNE

heliport marker

Power County Hospital District Heliport

American Falls, Idaho, United States 86 km (46 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Coxs Well Airport

Atomic City, Idaho, United States 87 km (47 nm) NE

small airport marker

American Falls Airport

American Falls, Idaho, United States 88 km (47 nm) ENE