Airports near the Comodoro Pierrestegui NDB (D)

Airports 1 to 50

medium airport marker

Comodoro Pierrestegui Airport

Concordia, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 1 km (1 nm) SSW

1 3

small airport marker

Concordia Aeroclub Airport

Concordia, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 3 km (1 nm) SW

medium airport marker

Nueva Hesperides International Airport

Salto, Salto Department, Uruguay 17 km (9 nm) S


small airport marker

Cerro Cueva del Tigre Airfield

Estancia 'Los Olivos de Guaviyú', Paysandu Department, Uruguay 51 km (27 nm) S

small airport marker

Chajari Sur Airport

Chajari, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 53 km (28 nm) N

small airport marker

Chajari Airport

Chajari, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 58 km (31 nm) N

small airport marker

Termas del Arapey Airport

Termas del Arapey, Salto Department, Uruguay 58 km (31 nm) NE


small airport marker

La Angelita Airport

Federal, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 83 km (45 nm) NW

small airport marker

Estancia La Choza Airport

Chajari, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 87 km (47 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Buena Esperanza Airport

Los Conquistadores, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 92 km (49 nm) NNW

small airport marker

El Pilincho Airport

Monte Caseros, Corrientes Province, Argentina 99 km (53 nm) N

small airport marker

Tomás Gomenzoro Airport

Tomás Gomenzoro, Artigas Department, Uruguay 107 km (57 nm) NNE

closed airport marker

Carlos M Fraschini Airport

Paysandu, Paysandu Department, Uruguay 107 km (58 nm) S

small airport marker

Colon Airport

Colon, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 110 km (59 nm) S

small airport marker

Placeres Airport

Bella Union, Artigas Department, Uruguay 114 km (61 nm) NNE

small airport marker

El Jagüel Airport

Villaguay, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 114 km (61 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Timbo Airstrip

Villaguay, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 116 km (62 nm) WSW

medium airport marker

Monte Caseros Airport

Monte Caseros, Corrientes Province, Argentina 117 km (63 nm) NNE


small airport marker

Timboy Airport

Monte Caseros, Corrientes Province, Argentina 118 km (63 nm) N

small airport marker

La Media Luna Airport

Yucutujá, Artigas Department, Uruguay 118 km (64 nm) NE

small airport marker

Tydeo Larre Borges Airport

Paysandú, Paysandu Department, Uruguay 120 km (65 nm) S


small airport marker

Villaguay Airport

Villaguay, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 121 km (65 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Charles Chalkling Airport

Paysandú, Paysandu Department, Uruguay 122 km (65 nm) S

small airport marker

Concepcion Del Uruguay Airport

Concepcion Del Uruguay, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 133 km (72 nm) SSW

heliport marker

La Milagrosa Heliport

Concepcion Del Uruguay, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 135 km (73 nm) S

small airport marker

Guichón Airfield

Guichón, Paysandu Department, Uruguay 140 km (75 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Aeroclub Guichón Airfield

Guichón, Paysandu Department, Uruguay 141 km (76 nm) SSE

small airport marker

El Malagueño Airport

Villaguay, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 141 km (76 nm) WSW

heliport marker

Talitas Heliport

Concepcion Del Uruguay, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 142 km (77 nm) S

small airport marker

La Esmeralda Airport

Libertad, Corrientes Province, Argentina 143 km (77 nm) N

small airport marker

Basavilbaso Airport

Basavilbaso, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 146 km (79 nm) SW

small airport marker

Estancia El Pinocho

Aldea San Antonio, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 151 km (81 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Young Airport

Young, Río Negro Department, Uruguay 159 km (86 nm) S

small airport marker

Cabanha Umbú Airport

Barra do Quaraí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 160 km (86 nm) NNE

small airport marker

La Paz Aeroclub Airport

La Paz, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 161 km (87 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Rosario Del Tala Airport

Rosario Del Tala, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 162 km (87 nm) SW

small airport marker

La Paz Airport

La Paz, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 163 km (88 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Curuzu Cuatia Aeroclub Airport

Curuzu Cuatia, Corrientes Province, Argentina 167 km (90 nm) N

medium airport marker

Curuzu Cuatia Airport

Curuzu Cuatia, Corrientes Province, Argentina 168 km (90 nm) N

small airport marker

Artigas International Airport

Artigas, Artigas Department, Uruguay 171 km (92 nm) NE

small airport marker

El Ocho Airstrip

Tabossi, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 172 km (93 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Santa Elena Airport

Santa Elena, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 173 km (93 nm) W

small airport marker

Arenhart Aviação Agrícola Airport

Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 174 km (94 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Urdinarrain Airport

Urdinarrain, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 179 km (96 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Garcia Brum Airstrip

Paysandu Department, Uruguay 181 km (97 nm) SE

small airport marker

Estancia San Juan Airport

Curuzu Cuatia, Corrientes Province, Argentina 186 km (100 nm) N

small airport marker

Estancia Nueva Mehlem Airport

Nuevo Berlin, Río Negro Department, Uruguay 187 km (101 nm) S

small airport marker

Estancia El Potrero Airport

Gualeguaychu, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 189 km (102 nm) S

medium airport marker

Rubem Berta Airport

Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 189 km (102 nm) NNE


small airport marker

Estancia La Providencia Airport

Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina 192 km (103 nm) SSW