Juergensen Field

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OurAirports members at CPG7

Juergensen Field is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 2 visitors.

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Picture of dazuppa

Lovely Airstrip

Nice grass airstrip West of Toronto - relatively easy to find, clean approaches, well maintained. Look out for the unmarked power line parallel to the road when approaching from the East. A bunch of ultralights and homebuilts hidden in the hangars, and walls of soft, high corn surrounding the landing strip - in case you'd feel like rolling out. ;-)

Picture of

re: Lovely Airstrip

Reply to @dazuppa: hi, can you tell me what the coordinates are for this airstrip in fergus Ontario?

Picture of dazuppa

re: Lovely Airstrip

Coordinates are 43.735 -80.447 (you can set them in google maps or your GPS). Flying, it is just NW from the town of Fergus, following Beatty Line across the river. Note that there is another, unrelated airstrip NE from Fergus - closer to the Belwood lake - and a couple of others, also unrelated fields just SE of the lake!

The only other information I have is that CPG7 "Fergus - Juergensen Field" (the airstrip we are talking about) is a home of the Chinook ultralights community (liftoffaviation.com) Hope that helps...

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