Essex County Airport

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500 m
2000 ft
Leaflet | Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community

OurAirports members at CDW

Essex County Airport is the home base for 4 OurAirports members. It has had 42 visitors.

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Picture of CathyV

ATIS, communication with CT

I have been flying at CDW since sometime in the summer and have been baffled by the rapid fire communication from the Tower. I can't even think that fast never mind copying key information. I just heard the ATIS ... it is currently 11/16/098 1020 EST and all I could make out was the runways in use....28 and 22. From my perspective it was supersonic. There is a lot of flight training at CDW, in fact I'm at one of flight schools on the field, and I can just imagine the frustration and intimication for students when the ATIS is in 'fast forward'....not to mention communication in general, which I've also found to be exceptionally fast. Repeated 'say again' is very inefficient and ultimately a risk to safety.

For most of my prior experience I was based at MMU, and it was a rarity when I wasn't able to get the ATIS or any other communication on first shot. I have wanted to provide this feedback for months and today's ATIS was the last straw. Since i couldn't find a phone# for the tower The information must not only be disseminated but it has to comprehensible to the intented target for it to be useful.

Thank you!

Cathy Vajtay

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re: ATIS, communication with CT

Reply to @CathyV:

CDW towers phone number is posted right at the front gate, near ops all numbers are listed you cant miss it. You must have been in a hurry if you didnt catch it.


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re: ATIS, communication with CT

Thanks for the's not that I was in a hurry, I was in the plane on the ramp getting ready to taxi. and later inbound for landing. Kind of tough to see the phone# on the gate from either location. ;-) Good to know where I can find it though. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Picture of swinger

Fuel Prices at Mac Dan Aviation

Thankfully, Avant Air moved out of their leaded office space at Mac Dan to give appropriate fuel competition! Mac Dan's confidential fuel discounts are rediculous. Some people/companies/flight schools/flying clubs nearly receive 20% discounts on Avgas & Jet A, the data sheets area behind the front desk in the main lobby of Mac Dan.

-That kind of discount can add up to thousands of dollars quite fast!

-Anyone wonder why their fuel trucks are always empty or why a service call for fuel takes up to thirty minutes?

Picture of ptomblin

Don't depart IFR on a VFR day!

I must have tied up traffic for 30 minutes of more waiting at the entrance for my IFR clearance. I'd taxied out after being told to, but there were 4 or 5 planes waiting behind me and by the time I suddenly realized that I could depart VFR and pick up a clearance later, the clearance had actually come. I felt like a complete dick.

Picture of david

re: Don't depart IFR on a VFR day!

I had exactly the same experience at Republic in spring 2004, right down to sitting on the runway (as instructed by tower) and holding everyone else up. Same lesson -- if you can take a VFR departure out of a NY-area airport, do. It's the controller's error putting you on the runway before your clearance is ready, but why invite trouble in the first place?

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re: Don't depart IFR on a VFR day!

Reply to @david: I don't understand this. Why would you begin to taxi before getting your clearance. Just wondering

Picture of ptomblin

re: Don't depart IFR on a VFR day!

In my case, I taxied without the IFR clearance because that was what I was instructed to do when I called for a clearance.

Picture of david

re: Don't depart IFR on a VFR day!

Normally, a control tower will put your IFR clearance on request with center, then clear you to taxi to the active while they're waiting for the clearance to arrive for them to relay to you.

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Work and fly from here

CDW is indeed tough to spot especially when MMU is only 5 miles away and practically visible from space. The AFD also gives you a super long list of rules and noise abatement procedures that often scare new pilots away. Just ignore them. The airport is surrounded by industrial parks and a golf course. And who cares about golfers right? Runway 9/27 recently renamed 10/28. Lighting at night could be stronger...and don't feel bad when a controller who sounds like a man turns out to be the scariest woman alive...other than that...GREAT AIRPORT.

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