Sullivan Lake State Airport

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OurAirports members at 09S

Sullivan Lake State Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 3 visitors.

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Picture of Pilot_1975

I found the place to be quiet and peaceful.

I landed and camped here July 2012. I never heard a peep from the campers across the fence and there were no unwanted people on the airstrip. I did have a few kids stop by to oogle my 172 but I enjoyed the curious company. plenty of Picnic tables along the west fence, restrooms through the gate at mid field and absolute solitude. View of the lake is awesome! One water faucet down near the lake and one through the east gate mid field. Look left to see the lone faucet.

Picture of Tony

State Campground beside this airport, but no facilities

State campground on both sides and a road passes close by. Not as quiet as it looks; you can camp on the field but there are walking trails crisscrossing the runway between the campgrounds and a steady stream of mountain bikers cross the runway. Despite being a state campground, there are no facilities, no restaurants, no stores close by.

When I was there in Aug 2009, there was a Forest Service firefighting team with two helicopters and a fuel truck operating from the airstrip. Approach from the South, along the lake. Runway rises to the North, then ends abruptly. There was a Warrior in the overrun with wiped landing gear, he floated and touched down late, ground-looping just before the steep drop-off at the North end.

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