Weather at Merts Field

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Merts Field

Closest report is Wilmington Airpark, 8.6 nm (15.9 km) SSE.

2025/01/24 12:54 (retrieved 40 minutes ago)

KILN 241254Z AUTO 26006KT 10SM OVC018 M11/M14 A3027 RMK AO2 SLP286 T11111144

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Merts Field

Closest forecast is Wilmington Airpark, 8.6 nm (15.9 km) SSE.

2025/01/24 12:00 (retrieved 2 hours ago)

TAF KILN 241157Z 2412/2512 28005KT P6SM BKN025 FM241500 24007KT P6SM SCT025 FM250000 23005KT P6SM SCT150 FM250400 19005KT P6SM BKN150 FM251000 20010KT P6SM BKN150 WS020/22045KT