Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Tarrant Field
Closest report is Cherokee County Airport, 14.2 nm (26.4 km) SSE.
2025/02/18 11:35 (retrieved 21 minutes ago)
KJSO 181135Z AUTO 10008KT 10SM OVC021 08/06 A3001 RMK AO2 T00840055
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Tarrant Field
Closest forecast is Tyler Pounds Regional Airport, 16.4 nm (30.3 km) NNW.
2025/02/18 06:22 (retrieved 6 hours ago)
TAF KTYR 180520Z 1806/1906 14011KT P6SM OVC045 FM181200 10012KT P6SM OVC025 FM181500 11010KT 6SM -RA OVC015 FM181800 11010KT 4SM -RA BR OVC007 FM182100 09009KT 2SM BR OVC007 FM190300 01013KT 4SM BR OVC004