Weather at Urschel Ranch Airport [CLOSED]

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Urschel Ranch Airport

Closest report is Hemphill County Airport, 5.1 nm (9.4 km) WSW.

2025/01/06 06:55 (retrieved 12 minutes ago)

KHHF 060655Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR M10/M12 A3036 RMK AO2 T10961125

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Urschel Ranch Airport

Closest forecast is West Woodward Airport, 48.8 nm (90.5 km) NE.

2025/01/06 06:42 Ammendment (retrieved 25 minutes ago)

TAF AMD KWWR 060541Z 0606/0706 33010KT P6SM SCT250 FM061800 33005KT P6SM SCT250