Lac Éon Airport [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at CA-0199

Lac Éon Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 1 visitor.

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Picture of LuxGuy

(no subject)

I landed here on June 5, 1990 and spend the night. I was on a ferry flight from KICT to EBKT in a C172, on the leg KBGR-CYYR when I iced up about 30 nm north of the YEO beacon in a snow storm, and decided to make a 180 back to the strip. I woke up the next day to a foot of snow. A Coastguard Labrador picked me up later that morning and dropped me off in Wabush. Returned a week later with a beaver on floats, to fly the airplane out again.

Picture of prattsoplenty

Lac Eon

Former weather reporting station. 4000' sand/gravel strip.

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