NOTAMS for Bromont (Roland Désourdy) Airport

This is not an official NOTAM source, and NOTAMs may be missing or out of date. Includes only aerodrome-specific NOTAMS.

NOTAM K1139/24: Bromont (Roland Désourdy) Airport (CZBM)

K1139/24 NOTAMN Q) CZUL/QOBCE/IV/M/AE/000/006/4518N07244W005 A) CZBM B) 2404181100 C) 2405011930 D) DAILY 1100-1930 E) CRANE 451753N 0724340W APRX 1780FT BFR THR 23 AND 1320FT SE EXTENDED RCL. 167FT AGL 544FT AMSL. NOT LGTD, NOT PAINTED. CREATED: 17 Apr 2024 15:40:00 SOURCE: CYHQYNYX