Aeroflex-Andover Airport

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OurAirports members at 12N

Aeroflex-Andover Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 16 visitors.

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Picture of Aristotle


It has a nice park attached to it. Bring food and drinks (nothing to buy there) and enjoy the view of the lake and the little Piper Cubs landing on the grass runway. It's a great place to practice short field landings. There is water on both ends, so you can come rather low and cross the threshold lower that usual. All times I have been there, I never used more than half the runway for a complete stop.

Picture of

Impressive...and quite short

Like the other comment, make sure you can stop a plane in less than 1500 ft. The water on both ends will stop your plane for you if you can not... Beautiful airport, esp in the fall. Don't pass this stop up

Picture of jerryp


One of the sleepy little airports that mostly locals use. It's short with water on both ends of the runway, like landing on an aircraft carrier. The airport is hidden by a hill when approached from the east. Being in a valley, the wind sock just does circles. Polish up your short-field technique before going here.

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