Knoxville Downtown Island Airport

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OurAirports members at KDKX

Knoxville Downtown Island Airport is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 21 visitors.

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Latest comments for KDKX Leave a comment

Picture of WarriorN21481

Great destination, unusual setting

Located on an island just east of downtown Knoxville (as the name implies), DKX is always a pleasure to visit. It is an active field - there is almost always some air traffic in the pattern. Self service fuel is quite inexpensive. Overnight fee for one night waived with fuel purchase. It is always a treat to visit this airport. We've been there several times since 2008.

Picture of JeffSumeracki


A fun place to fly, GREAT FBO! Had a starting problem and the local mechanic dropped everything he was doing to help, got plane started so I could go home...

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