Columbia Gorge Regional Airport

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OurAirports members at DLS

Columbia Gorge Regional Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 18 visitors.

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Picture of PilotBobSenior

First class country type service

KDLS is one of those out of the way "Gem" airports. No real close amenities but the airport has a couple "free use" courtesy cars. Fill her up of course when done and show basic respect for the property. They will toss you the keys, no paper work not even Id just plain old country courtesy. Short drive to town for all your needs. I recommend the Country Cousins Hotel / Motel for a nights sleep. Be sure to eat at the Cousins restaurant, show up hungry. Big Jim's restaurant for a burger. When I was there the line was out the door so everyone in town likes the place too. I'm not one to frequent the Corporate places but you will find all those in town too.

Fly the Gorge, its beautiful. Watch for power lines and stay on your side of the road if flying low altitude. If flying under low clouds, when you reach the narrow part, fly to the center until clear. This is not my personal experience however passed to me from a worker / flyer at the airport. Very bumpy in the gorge when the wind is up. (Sept 2011)

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