North Perry Airport

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OurAirports members at HWO

North Perry Airport is the home base for 5 OurAirports members. It has had 25 visitors.

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Frenchy's Cassette Tape - The Art of Flying

Frenchy taught my father to fly and my mom and I were taking lessons when Frenchy passed away. I only had about 8 hours in my log and was 16 or 18 years old. (1976 or 1978 I think). I never took another lesson because I couldn't imagine someone telling me to fly over a VOR to watch the From/To flag switch. But, I still have the cassette tape Frenchy gave me to learn his Art of Flying. Does anyone remember this? Contact me if you would like to listen to it.

Picture of Piper659

re: Frenchy's Cassette Tape - The Art of Flying

I still have the 8 track tape.

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I remember Frenchie

In around 1968 I cleaned Frenchie's planes (two Cessna 150's and a 172) for flying lessons. I was 13 I remember his grandson, his stories and all the fun people who learned from him !

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Frenchy was my grandfather, I grew up in his office and listened to all his stories, they were the best! I was blessed to have him in my life. Arthur W. Plante IV

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Frenchies Flying School

Does anyone remember Arthur Plante AKA "Frenchy"? I learned to fly at No. Perry in 1968 at Frenchie's Flying School. He had stories that would keep you enthralled for hours together with his wife Bea. He had a unique style of teaching and if you couldn't learn from him, then you weren't cut out to fly. I still have my solo shirt with the tail cut off! He came with me on the first flight after I overhauled my 1947 Talorcraft BC12D. He asked me if I had done all the work properly and I said, yes I had and he said, we will find out! He did loops and rolls and spins and then told me I did a good job, and all this with an A65 engine. Great memories.

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New Hangers Coming Soon to North Perry

Diversified Aviation is developing 103 new hangers at North Perry. For more information please contact Julie Whiteside at 954-776-1005 X200

Picture of jetpilot2007

Homwe of Pelican Airways

I spent a beautiful sunny and humid rainy time at North Perry Airport were I passed my private pilot license in the 90's. I will never forget the British couple being the bosses of that unique flying school...

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