Hazleton Municipal Airport

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OurAirports members at HZL

Hazleton Municipal Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 11 visitors.

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Fuel prices

Jet a $4.85

100LL $4.95

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Current Updates

Jet A with prist $4.45 / 100 LL $4.95

Airport Open, Construction has ended for winter, runway lights now functioning..

Taxiway Lights still Out..


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airport upgrades

The airport is currently closed getting new lights a new beacon and a new awos system. The airport also received a new piece of snow removal equipment last year . Keep up the good work Mr. Roman!!!!

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Fuel Prices

there fuel prices are outrageous there asking $4.60 for 100LL and $4.25 for jet Fuel. Why arent they all arested and put in jail for price gouging.

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airport management

who is the manager of the hazleton airport. Do they have an advisory committee. if they have either it appears useless. I have never seen an airport that size that is in such poor standards. no quality no lites no management my future business? I dont think so!

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weekday line service

the line serviceman during the week appears nonexistent. no one answers the radio no one comes out to greet you and if you can find the employee in question he is usually asleep.

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