Angelina County Airport

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OurAirports members at LFK

Angelina County Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 21 visitors.

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Picture of jwbruce

On field restaurant

Cheap fuel. Friendly people. The diner is in the FBO/terminal building. Chrome stools at the bar. Tables with mismatched tablecloths. Big plate glass windows looking out at the ramp and runways. Sweet potato french fries and the hands-down best chicken (a flattened, seasoned, battered, fried chicken breast) sandwich I have ever eaten in my entire life. What is not to like about LFK?

Picture of MikeWasInTX

Good diner

There's a good little diner on the field here. Angelina County is also a good place to work on ILS and VOR approaches.

Picture of davidsherrod

Cross Country Solo

First stop on my long cross country solo.

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