South Haven Area Regional Airport

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OurAirports members at KLWA

South Haven Area Regional Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 6 visitors.

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Picture of Warrior481

South Haven

South Haven was my home base from April 2004 until December 2005. Great airport, one of those places where the locals cook out every Saturday during the summer. Self serve fuel prices are generally competitive for the region.

Tips for transient pilots:

The wind off of Lake Michigan is often a direct crosswind for traffic on the pavement (4-22), but coming right down the grass runway (14-32). Despite this, we've noticed a lot of transient pilots shun the grass, sometimes accepting brutal crosswinds. The grass is well maintained and used regularly by the locals. During the warmer months, there are a pair of Piper Pawnee crop dusters operating at South Haven that do not broadcast on the radio. They are very good at working among the rest of the GA traffic, but it's good to be aware of them. Transient pilots are most likely to be interested in the new ramp east of the intersection of the two runways - this is where the fuel and terminal building are located. The ramp at the south end of the field is where the maintenance shop is located.

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