Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Current aviation weather report (METAR) for Sher-Wood Airport
2025/01/05 19:15 (retrieved 24 minutes ago)
KPWD 051915Z AUTO 13010KT 10SM CLR M18/M22 A3034 RMK AO2
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Sher-Wood Airport
Closest forecast is L M Clayton Airport, 58.9 nm (109.0 km) SW.
2025/01/05 18:22 (retrieved 1 hour ago)
TAF KOLF 051720Z 0518/0618 VRB06KT P6SM BKN050 FM060100 00000KT P6SM BKN027 FM060700 VRB03KT P6SM BKN035 FM061000 VRB04KT P6SM BKN027 FM061700 VRB06KT P6SM BKN018