Stafford Regional Airport

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OurAirports members at KRMN

Stafford Regional Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 14 visitors.

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Picture of evorbach

Easy stop over

Nice air strip - looks like they may have either just built this, or they expanded it recently. FBO is a trailer, but very welcoming. Line crew (Kyle) was right there on the line with my rental car and tied the plane down. Very friendly and helpful. Hertz rental car had the car there on time, but it was dirty inside and out and was actually pretty tired for a rental - 38,000 on a rental is a lot - sounded like they were losing a wheel bearing in front - very loud - so not any kudos for them. Very convenient for me since I have business in both DC and Richmond - right in the middle and outside the SFRA - which is why I think there were some serious jets parked as well.

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