Changes to UPB, MUPB
2024-04-16 12:30:31
(no change comment)
Changed has_scheduled_service
from "1"
to "0"
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
2011-04-16 08:13:23
(no change comment)
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
Changed region_code
from "CU-15"
to ""
Changed region_name
from "Artemisa Province"
to ""
Changed region_local_code
from "15"
to ""
Changed country_code
from "CU"
to ""
Changed country_name
from "Cuba"
to ""
2011-04-16 08:13:23
(no change comment)
Changed type
from "small_airport"
to "medium_airport"
Changed iata_code
from ""
to "UPB"
Changed has_scheduled_service
from "0"
to "1"
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
2008-10-17 19:57:41
Batch updates
Changed municipality
from ""
to "Havana"
Changed magnetic_variation_deg
from ""
to "-3.264"