Playa Baracoa Airport

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OurAirports members at UPB

Playa Baracoa Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Latest comments for UPB Leave a comment

Picture of david

re: IATA Airport Code

Thanks for the comment. We already have "UBP" in the database for - do you know of a source to confirm which airport it actually belongs to?

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re: IATA Airport Code

Reply to @david: Airport belongs to the Cuban gov.

Picture of trasher

re: IATA Airport Code

Reply to @david:

From what I understand, "UPB" is for VTUU. Use of "UPB" for "Habana/Playa Baracoa" is tolerated for local use having been used by the Cuban military before civil use was permitted. The abreviation came from the ICAO code "MUPB", with pilots dropping the M, much like dropping the K from US mainland ICAO codes to get most US IATA codes. I hope this makes sense, I'm sure others could clarify this further.

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IATA Airport Code

The IATA code or this airport is:[UPB] and is a small hub for AEROGAVIOTA AIRLINES. flts to:SCU,VRA,CYO,TND[CHARTER],BWW,HOG,BCA and CCC[CHARTER].

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