Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Flying M Airport
Closest report is Mc Minnville Municipal Airport, 13.7 nm (25.4 km) SE.
2025/01/13 12:53 (retrieved 18 minutes ago)
KMMV 131253Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM M01/M01 A3058 RMK AO2 SLP356 I1/// T10111011 PWINO FZRANO
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Flying M Airport
Closest forecast is Portland Hillsboro Airport, 20.2 nm (37.4 km) ENE.
2025/01/13 12:42 (retrieved 29 minutes ago)
TAF KHIO 131141Z 1312/1412 VRB03KT P6SM SKC FM140900 00000KT 3/4SM BR SCT007