Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital For Children Heliport
Closest report is Dallas Love Field, 3.3 nm (6.1 km) NNW.
2025/02/12 23:53 (retrieved 42 minutes ago)
KDAL 122353Z 34011G25KT 10SM SCT017 OVC021 04/M01 A2997 RMK AO2 PK WND 31027/2339 SLP147 T00391006 10078 20039 51038
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital For Children Heliport
Closest forecast is Dallas Love Field, 3.3 nm (6.1 km) NNW.
2025/02/13 00:34 (retrieved 1 minute ago)
TAF KDAL 122332Z 1300/1324 35010KT P6SM BKN015 FM130300 36010G20KT P6SM BKN025 FM130600 01008KT P6SM SCT026