Weather at Rebel Field

Public forecast

Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Rebel Field

Closest report is Pearland Regional Airport, 11.3 nm (20.9 km) NW.

2025/01/15 18:53 (retrieved 59 minutes ago)

KLVJ 151853Z AUTO 02005KT 5SM -RA BR OVC060 09/08 A3036 RMK AO2 SLP278 P0001 T00940083

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Rebel Field

Closest forecast is Ellington Airport, 13.2 nm (24.5 km) NNW.

2025/01/15 15:06 Ammendment (retrieved 5 hours ago)

TAF AMD KEFD 151515Z 1515/1618 04006KT 9000 -SHRA OVC020 QNH3030INS TEMPO 1515/1520 6000 -TSRA OVC019CB BECMG 1523/1524 01009KT 8000 DZ BR OVC007 QNH3029INS BECMG 1603/1604 VRB06KT 9000 BR SCT007 BKN015 QNH3038INS BECMG 1604/1605 VRB06KT 9999 NSW SCT025 QNH3034INS TX12/1522Z TN05/1612Z