Donald D. Coski Memorial Airport

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OurAirports members at U84

Donald D. Coski Memorial Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 2 visitors.

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More about landing

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Mid-July 2008, the grass & weeds were high enough in places to get green way up my prop -- which has 18" ground clearance. It's firm and not rough but probably not appropriate for wheel pants or low ground clearance.

Picture of airprakken

Name, landing directions

All of the locals call this "Donnelly" and none I talked to know why the official name had been changed. Some didn't even know that it had been changed -- don't look at new charts very often, I guess.

Normal landings are to the North across the water.

All takeoffs are to the South across the water.

Fairly high trees on the North end but it's reasonable to land over them. Just make sure you can get down fairly soon beyond them.

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