Weather at Saky Air Base

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Saky Air Base

Closest report is Anapa Vityazevo Airport, 159.1 nm (294.7 km) E.

2024/09/07 20:00 (retrieved 31 minutes ago)

URKA 072000Z 08006MPS CAVOK 21/13 Q1014 R03/010070 NOSIG RMK QFE757/1009

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Saky Air Base

Closest forecast is Anapa Vityazevo Airport, 159.1 nm (294.7 km) E.

2024/09/07 21:21 (retrieved 0 seconds ago)

TAF TAF URKA 071952Z 0721/0821 07006G12MPS 6000 BKN020CB TEMPO 0721/0806 09008G16MPS PROB40 0721/0806 -TSRA FM080600 08007G15MPS 9999 SCT030CB PROB40 TEMPO 0806/0815 -TSRA BECMG 0815/0816 07003G08MPS TEMPO 0816/0821 09006G12MPS