Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv International Airport (Zhuliany)

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OurAirports members at IEV

Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv International Airport (Zhuliany) is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 26 visitors.

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I took Yanair from Kiev to Tbilisi in October 2016.

Long time I did not experience such a lovely airport.... a dream!

Bravo for the Staff, for the maintenance.

I took a very nice breakfast in the café.

I had a very nice and friendly flight.


Picture of babtek

Be ready to wait

Takes too much time to get in from custom

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Avoid this place!

The most disorganized & chaotic place I ever came across! The custom officers believe they have God given right to create their own rules & simply rob the travellers by using their official position. A lot of disrespect & shoking behaviour, especially from teenage custom officers- Forostovez & Gerasimov on the international departures. What a way to present the country! Shame on you!!!

Picture of david

Temporarily closed

This is Kiev's original, smaller airport (Boryspil, further out of town, is the main one).

As of 2009-01-22, the airport is still temporarily closed for repairs and upgrades (with all scheduled flights shifted to Boryspil), but is scheduled to reopen on 1 February.

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