Airports near Lakewood Health Center Heliport

Airports 1 to 50

medium airport marker

Baudette International Airport

Baudette, Minnesota, United States 2 km (1 nm) NNW

1 7

seaplane base marker

Rainy River Seaplane Base

Ontario, Canada 2 km (1 nm) ENE

closed airport marker

Baudette Flying Service Seaplane Base

Baudette, Minnesota, United States 15 km (8 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Cox-Coyour Memorial Field

Roosevelt, Minnesota, United States 44 km (24 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Erickson Airport

Roosevelt, Minnesota, United States 45 km (24 nm) WNW

closed airport marker

Emo Airport

Emo, Ontario, Canada 55 km (29 nm) E

small airport marker

Warroad International Memorial Airport

Warroad, Minnesota, United States 60 km (32 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Waskish Municipal Airport

Waskish, Minnesota, United States 61 km (33 nm) S

seaplane base marker

Burditt Lake Seaplane Base

Ontario, Canada 63 km (34 nm) ENE

seaplane base marker

Nestor Falls Seaplane Base

Ontario, Canada 67 km (36 nm) NE

seaplane base marker

Nestor Falls/Sabaskong Bay Seaplane Base

Ontario, Canada 68 km (36 nm) NE

small airport marker

Nestor Falls Airport

Nestor Falls, Ontario, Canada 69 km (37 nm) NE

1 1

seaplane base marker

Oak Seaplane Base

Angle Inlet, Minnesota, United States 70 km (38 nm) NNW

small airport marker

West Wind Airport

Littlefork, Minnesota, United States 79 km (42 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Northwest Angle Airport

Warroad, Minnesota, United States 79 km (42 nm) NNW


small airport marker

Helblad Airport

Kelliher, Minnesota, United States 80 km (43 nm) S

small airport marker

Littlefork Muni/Hanover Airport

Littlefork, Minnesota, United States 81 km (43 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Roseau Municipal Rudy Billberg Field

Roseau, Minnesota, United States 81 km (44 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Big Falls Municipal Airport

Big Falls, Minnesota, United States 83 km (45 nm) SE

small airport marker

Pine Ridge Air Spray Airport

Kelliher, Minnesota, United States 84 km (45 nm) S

heliport marker

Lifecare Medical Center Heliport

Roseau, Minnesota, United States 86 km (46 nm) W

heliport marker

International Falls Memorial Heliport

International Falls, Minnesota, United States 86 km (46 nm) E

small airport marker

Sioux Narrows Airport

Sioux Narrows, Ontario, Canada 87 km (47 nm) NNE


small airport marker

Grygla Municipal Airport - Mel Wilkens Field

Grygla, Minnesota, United States 88 km (47 nm) WSW

medium airport marker

Falls International Airport

International Falls, Minnesota, United States 89 km (48 nm) E


heliport marker

International Falls Customs & Border Patrol Heliport

International Falls, Minnesota, United States 89 km (48 nm) E

seaplane base marker

International Falls Seaplane Base

International Falls, Minnesota, United States 91 km (49 nm) E

seaplane base marker

Fort Frances Seaplane Base

Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada 91 km (49 nm) E

small airport marker

Paul Field

Gatzke, Minnesota, United States 92 km (49 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Northome Municipal Airport

Northome, Minnesota, United States 94 km (50 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Klamar Field

Gatzke, Minnesota, United States 95 km (51 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Hagens Private Airport

Gatzke, Minnesota, United States 96 km (51 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Arthur Field

Gatzke, Minnesota, United States 96 km (51 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Klamar Field Number 2

Gatzke, Minnesota, United States 96 km (52 nm) WSW

heliport marker

Red Lake Hospital Helipad

Red Lake, Minnesota, United States 97 km (52 nm) SSW

closed airport marker

Honker Flats Airport

Middle River, Minnesota, United States 100 km (54 nm) W

small airport marker

Piney Pinecreek Border Airport

Pinecreek, Minnesota, United States 106 km (57 nm) WNW

1 5

closed airport marker

Swanson Private Airport

Goodridge, Minnesota, United States 110 km (59 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Werenko Airport

Werenko, Ontario, Canada 111 km (60 nm) E

closed airport marker

Mathis Airport

Gonvick, Minnesota, United States 116 km (62 nm) SW

small airport marker

Chanlin Field

Middle River, Minnesota, United States 116 km (63 nm) WSW

closed airport marker

Greenbush Municipal Airport

Greenbush, Minnesota, United States 116 km (63 nm) W

seaplane base marker

Clearwater Seaplane Base

Leonard, Minnesota, United States 116 km (63 nm) SSW

heliport marker

Lake Kabetogama Area Fire Department Heliport

Kabetogama, Minnesota, United States 117 km (63 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Kenora (Lake of the Woods District Hospital) Heliport

Kenora, Ontario, Canada 118 km (63 nm) N

closed airport marker

Bardwell Airstrip

Clearbrook, Minnesota, United States 119 km (64 nm) SSW

medium airport marker

Kenora Airport

Kenora, Ontario, Canada 121 km (65 nm) N

1 28

closed airport marker

Turtle Lake Seaplane Base

Bemidji, Minnesota, United States 122 km (66 nm) S