Changes to US-1484
2021-01-06 16:34:42
(no change comment)
Changed keywords
from "04CA, coyote flats, 04CA"
to "04CA, coyote flats"
2021-01-06 16:34:42
(no change comment)
Changed keywords
from "04CA, coyote flats, 04CA, 04CA"
to "04CA, coyote flats, 04CA"
2021-01-06 16:34:42
(no change comment)
Changed elevation_ft
from ""
to "9988"
Changed gps_code
from "04CA"
to ""
Changed local_code
from "04CA"
to ""
Changed keywords
from "04CA, coyote flats"
to "04CA, coyote flats, 04CA, 04CA"