Changes to US-4164
2024-11-02 20:27:08
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Fort Hood Landing Strip 12 Hammer"
to "Fort Cavazos Landing Strip 12 Hammer"
Changed municipality
from "Fort Hood"
to "Fort Cavazos"
Changed keywords
from ""
to "Fort Hood"
2022-02-18 04:24:22
(no change comment)
Changed region_code
from "US-U-A"
to "US-TX"
Changed region_name
from "(unassigned)"
to "Texas"
Changed region_local_code
from "U-A"
to "TX"
2022-02-18 04:24:11
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Fort Hood West Airstrip"
to "Fort Hood Landing Strip 12 Hammer"
Changed region_code
from "US-TX"
to "US-U-A"
Changed region_name
from "Texas"
to "(unassigned)"
Changed region_local_code
from "TX"
to "U-A"