Airports near Binaka Airport

Airports 801 to 850

small airport marker

Kakira Airport

Kakira, Eastern Region, Uganda 7163 km (3868 nm) W

small airport marker

Jinja Airport

Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda 7172 km (3873 nm) W


small airport marker

Nansio Airport

Ukerewe, Mara Region, Tanzania 7195 km (3885 nm) W


small airport marker

Lira Airport

Lira, Northern Region, Uganda 7201 km (3888 nm) W

small airport marker

Kitgum Airport

Kitgum, Northern Region, Uganda 7204 km (3890 nm) W

medium airport marker

Mwanza Airport

Mwanza, Mwanza Region, Tanzania 7211 km (3894 nm) W

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small airport marker

Bulago Airport

Mukono, Central Region, Uganda 7232 km (3905 nm) W

closed airport marker

Kololo Airstrip

Kampala, Central Region, Uganda 7239 km (3909 nm) W

small airport marker

Torit Airport

Torit, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan 7240 km (3909 nm) W

small airport marker

Kajjansi Airfield

Kampala, Central Region, Uganda 7244 km (3912 nm) W

small airport marker

Bukasa Airport

Kyamuswa, Central Region, Uganda 7251 km (3915 nm) W

small airport marker

Nakasongola Airport

Nakasongola, Central Region, Uganda 7252 km (3916 nm) W

big airport marker

Entebbe International Airport

Kampala, Central Region, Uganda 7257 km (3918 nm) W

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medium airport marker

Gulu Airport

Gulu, Northern Region, Uganda 7272 km (3927 nm) W

small airport marker

Chobe Safari Lodge Airport

Lolim, Western Region, Uganda 7287 km (3935 nm) W

small airport marker

Nimule Airport

Nimule, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan 7293 km (3938 nm) W

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small airport marker

Mchauru Airport

Geita, Geita, Tanzania 7297 km (3940 nm) W

small airport marker

Adjumani Airport

Adjumani, Northern Region, Uganda 7329 km (3957 nm) W

small airport marker

Moyo Airport

Moyo, Northern Region, Uganda 7329 km (3958 nm) W

small airport marker

Bukoba Airport

Bukoba, Kagera Region, Tanzania 7330 km (3958 nm) W

small airport marker

Rubondo Airport

Rubondo Island, Kagera Region, Tanzania 7331 km (3958 nm) W

small airport marker

Masindi Airport

Masindi, Western Region, Uganda 7332 km (3959 nm) W

small airport marker

Kajo Keji Airport

Kajo Keji, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan 7341 km (3964 nm) W

big airport marker

Juba International Airport

Juba, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan 7349 km (3968 nm) W

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small airport marker

Chato/Geita Airport

Chato District, Geita, Tanzania 7349 km (3968 nm) W

small airport marker

Bugungu Airport

Bujenje, Western Region, Uganda 7352 km (3970 nm) W


small airport marker

Kabalega Falls Airport

Pakuba, Western Region, Uganda 7358 km (3973 nm) W


small airport marker

Mutukula Airport

Mutukula, Central Region, Uganda 7371 km (3980 nm) W

small airport marker

Luri Airport

Luri, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan 7371 km (3980 nm) W

small airport marker

Butiaba Airport

Butiaba, Western Region, Uganda 7376 km (3983 nm) W

small airport marker

Kagera Sugar Airport

Kagera Region, Tanzania 7385 km (3987 nm) W

small airport marker

Biharamulo Airport

Biharamulo, Kagera Region, Tanzania 7386 km (3988 nm) W

small airport marker

Buseruka Airport

Buseruka, Western Region, Uganda 7404 km (3998 nm) W

closed airport marker

Hoima International Airport (under construction)

Hoima, Western Region, Uganda 7406 km (3999 nm) W

small airport marker

Ihanda Airstrip

Ihanda, Kagera Region, Tanzania 7410 km (4001 nm) W

small airport marker

Mahagi Airport

Mahagi, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 7411 km (4002 nm) W

small airport marker

Koboko Airport

Koboko, Northern Region, Uganda 7417 km (4005 nm) W

small airport marker

Lake Albert Lodge Airstrip

Munihoro, Western Region, Uganda 7421 km (4007 nm) W

medium airport marker

Arua Airport

Arua, Northern Region, Uganda 7423 km (4008 nm) W

small airport marker

Aru Airport

Aru, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 7432 km (4013 nm) W

small airport marker

Buhuka Airport

Buhuka, Western Region, Uganda 7443 km (4019 nm) W

small airport marker

Yei Airport

Yei, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan 7444 km (4020 nm) W

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small airport marker

Milambi Airport

Milambi, Kagera Region, Tanzania 7449 km (4022 nm) W

small airport marker

Ngara Airport

Ngara, Kagera Region, Tanzania 7459 km (4028 nm) W

small airport marker

Mbarara Airport

Mbarara, Western Region, Uganda 7463 km (4030 nm) W

small airport marker

Kere Kere Airport

Kere Kere, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 7465 km (4031 nm) W

small airport marker

Ibanda Airport

Ibanda, Kagera Region, Tanzania 7474 km (4036 nm) W

small airport marker

Gabiro Airport

Gabiro, Eastern Province, Rwanda 7491 km (4045 nm) W

small airport marker

Aba Airport

Aba, Haut-Uélé Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo 7497 km (4048 nm) W

small airport marker

Fort Portal Airport

Fort Portal, Western Region, Uganda 7499 km (4049 nm) W