Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport

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OurAirports members at HGH

Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 36 visitors.

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Ashley Shawn Wilkes

I am looking for the airline that had a plane crash on are around July 3, 2016, my son Ashley Shawn Wilkes was taking a flight to Japan , he lived in Zhejiang China 314100(Jiashan ) ? He told his grandmother he was taking the Red Eye, I don't know the time frame of that flight. Can you check and see if he was on any of your flights, my email is sue.creech@ymail.com or you can call me if he was 912-583-4176 I live in Georgia USA postal code 30445 Any info. would be great, Sincerely Debbie Wilkes

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