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Latest comments about airports in Armenia

Picture of Bootgrease

(no subject)

Runway is overgrown and the asphalt is broken in many places, no fences and the old Soviet terminal has broken windows.

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Not border

the last comment is mine: Rosita Youssefian, from Argentina

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not border

Kapan airport is not on border. Kapan city, Kapan airport limits with the liberated territories, armenian lands, KASHATAGH province.

Picture of boyfly

Unknown Status

It appears this airport serves a mine, but I don't know if it is operational or not.

Picture of Thozi


I just passed this airport and it is definitely closed. The runway is overgrown, the tarmac cracked, the airport is unfenced and cows and sheep are desperately trying to clear the runway from shrubs and grass.

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re: Closed?

Reply to @david:

I am from there. This is a civilian airport and its not functioning because of the war between Arm and Aze. The airport is right on the border.

Picture of david

re: Closed?

According to the airport closed because of the Karabakh war. Updating ...

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re: Closed?

Reply to @david:

wikipedia comment says everything about the airport

Picture of david

Still maintained?

I'm curious if this is still maintained as an emergency highway landing strip.

Picture of david

Probably closed

Looks like another former Soviet airstrip. The runway pavement is seriously decayed.

Picture of david


There are no markings and no signs of aircraft, but the pavement looks like it may still be usable. I'm guessing this is another former Soviet airbase.

Picture of david


This airport appears to be closed -- the outline of the former runway is barely visible in the satellite view.

Picture of david


From the advanced decay of the runway pavement, it looks like this airstrip (former Soviet airbase?) is closed. Can anyone confirm?

Picture of david

Former Soviet Base?

This looks like an abandoned Soviet airbase. There are no longer any markings on the runway, and some tracks seem to cross it, but it still looks usable. Does anyone know if this airstrip is still open?

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