Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina

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Latest comments about airports in Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina

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Ushuaian Approach - SAWH View of EAU

If you go to SAWH, like I did. And grab a F seat you can get a very good view of EAU. Just wanted to share that fact!

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Ushuaian Approach

I have been to SAWH Twice. The runway 25 approach is stunning! Try grabbing seat A of any row! It is crazy beautiful.

Picture of MatthewAugustine

(no subject)

Ushuaia Naval Air Base plays an important role in Argentina's defense and national security strategy, as well as in supporting scientific research and civilian activities in the region.

Picture of david

Filing flight plans

From closed problem report: «It is appropriate to use zzzz DEP/DEST/ALTN "EAU".»

Picture of sameerr

(no subject)

I should say you have composed an extraordinary article. The manner in which you have depicted everything is exceptional.

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