South America

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Latest comments about airports in South America

Picture of jole

(no subject)

Is this a duplicate of SCGL? What is the proper one?

Picture of Ribo


Enjoyed the long walk to the waiting aircraft from the boarding gate passing through a garden. Not seen it on any other airport I have been.

Picture of Ribo


Although my time in Ecuador wasn’t that great, this airport became my favourite during my trip in South America. Uncomplicated, clean, spacious, plenty of seating areas with direct view of the runway.

Picture of rodox20

re: saudações a galera

Reply to @oslec20: bem vindo

Picture of berk

Incorrect ident

The ident for this airport should be SPJC, not SPIM. Unfortunately the ident can not be edited by my own, hence leaving this comment here hoping someone with the edit privileges follows-up.

Picture of Florez

Failed info

This airport does not exist.

Please check you information.

Therebis one but in Mato Grosso state

Picture of YBSB

Good overall

Been there in 2019, very well kept and equipped, nice stores and easy locomotion inside the airport

Picture of ronaldsr

SGAS actual location

While the actual location of SGAS is in Luque city, people commonly associate this airport with Asuncion. This association is reflected in its official IATA code, "ASU", and ICAO code, SGAS, where 'SG' stands for Paraguay and 'AS' for Asuncion. Therefore, I suggest to change location to Asuncion.

Picture of

Puerto Natales

Puerto Natales is a not a good airport, the line streched out of the airport and it took us 2 hours to get to the plane.

Picture of

Santiago Airport

I was flying LATAM from Puerto Natales, Chile and It was surprising how fast it was! We landed and the taxi was only 5 minutes, getting off the plane and the walk was long to baggage claim. Then we got some more Chilean Pesos and we went on our way.

Picture of

Terminals 1 and 2

I was flying from Ezeiza to Ushuaia and Terminal One was so small, crowded and terrible. I had to wake up at 2:00 AM for a 7:00 AM flight and we took off at 11:00 AM. Aerolineas Argentinas and Terminal 1 were terrible, but Terminal 2 was Great!

TERMINAL 2: I was flying on American Airlines from MIA-EZE and customs was ok, some kid barfed in the line and the customs line was a little long but the customs agent was nice and we got thru easily, it was modern and had restaurants, cafes and more.

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Ushuaian Approach - SAWH View of EAU

If you go to SAWH, like I did. And grab a F seat you can get a very good view of EAU. Just wanted to share that fact!

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Ushuaian Approach

I have been to SAWH Twice. The runway 25 approach is stunning! Try grabbing seat A of any row! It is crazy beautiful.

Picture of OscarAlfaro

(no subject)

Looks like this airport does not exist anymore. The code SEJM has been removed from the latest ICAO7910 doc.

Picture of rbhiro

re: Upgrade

Reply to @pilotfan21: all of the above is done!

Picture of mikeiaka

Some old parts of apron still there

Just saying that some of the apron is still there along with some taxiways.

Picture of MatthewAugustine

(no subject)

Ushuaia Naval Air Base plays an important role in Argentina's defense and national security strategy, as well as in supporting scientific research and civilian activities in the region.

Picture of david

Filing flight plans

From closed problem report: «It is appropriate to use zzzz DEP/DEST/ALTN "EAU".»

Picture of sameerr

re: Aproximação

Reply to @HighTech: Compreendo que esteja animado para visitar Santiago e experimentar a beleza do aeroporto. No entanto, gostaria de lembrar que o uso de simuladores de voo, como o FSX, é apenas uma representação virtual da experiência de voar e pode não refletir com precisão a realidade.

Ao visitar Santiago, certifique-se de estar ciente das restrições de viagem atuais e de seguir as diretrizes de saúde e segurança relacionadas à pandemia COVID-19. Também é importante estar ciente das leis e regulamentos locais e respeitá-los durante sua estadia.

Santiago é uma cidade vibrante e emocionante, com muitas coisas para ver e fazer. Certifique-se de planejar sua visita com antecedência e aproveitar ao máximo sua experiência na cidade.

Picture of Farnulcx

(no subject)

I totally like your gave limits as the post you passed on has some uncommon information which is totally essential for me.

Picture of sameerr

(no subject)

I should say you have composed an extraordinary article. The manner in which you have depicted everything is exceptional.

Picture of bachian

Excelent dirt runway

Excelent dirt runway, better than some asphalt out there. It even has jet fuel. Great service.

Picture of Silvanus_Tauris

Santos Dumont Airport

Santos Dumont Airport is the second major airport serving Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is named after the Brazilian aviation pioneer Alberto Santos Dumont. It is operated by Infraero.

Santos Dumont has slot restrictions operating with a maximum of 19 operations/hour, being one of the five airports with such restrictions in Brazil.

Picture of Silvanus_Tauris

Santa Cruz Air Force Base

Santa Cruz Air Force Base – ALA12 is a base of the Brazilian Air Force, located in the district of Santa Cruz in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Picture of Silvanus_Tauris

Jacarepaguá Airport

Jacarepaguá–Roberto Marinho Airport is an airport in the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil dedicated to general aviation. Following extensive renovation in 2008 the airport was renamed after Roberto Pisani Marinho, a journalist and former president of Globo Network. It is a major helibase for offshore support.

During a transitional period, the airport is jointly operated by Infraero and XP Inc.

Picture of Silvanus_Tauris

Rio de Janeiro/Galeão International Airport

Rio de Janeiro/Galeão – Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport is the main airport serving Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2019, it was the country's fourth-busiest airport by passenger traffic. It is named after the neighborhood of Galeão. Praia do Galeão is located in front of the original passenger terminal and where the galleon Padre Eterno was built in 1663. Since 5 January 1999 it is also named after Brazilian musician Antonio Carlos Jobim. Galeão Airport is explicitly mentioned in his composition Samba do Avião. It is the largest airport site in terms of area in Brazil.

Since 12 August 2014 it has been operated by the concessionary Rio Galeão, a consortium formed by the Brazilian investor Odebrecht and Changi Airport Group, with a minority participation of the government owned company Infraero, the previous operator. The new concessionary has been using the brand name RIOgaleão – Aeroporto Internacional Tom Jobim.

Some of its facilities are shared with the Galeão Air Force Base of the Brazilian Air Force.

Picture of Silvanus_Tauris

Afonsos Air Force Base

Afonsos Air Force Base – BAAF is a base of the Brazilian Air Force, located in the district of Marechal Hermes, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Picture of Scarso

(no subject)

Great runway

Picture of feitidede


learned how to drive here

Picture of animebirder

SEQU remains in use ...

But only as a heliport for the Ecuadorian military and local fire and police departments.

Picture of kelvinwl

re: KP 395 Decommisioned

According to AIC 04/20 it wasn't decommisioned yet, it is planned to be disabled by 2025.

Picture of bachian

The correct ICAO code (year 2022) is SD9C

The correct ICAO code (year 2022) for this airport is SD9C, as can be seen here:

Picture of

can not see heliport

I can not see a visible structure for a heliport, maybe on grass, but not near a swimming pool

Picture of flyboy705

(no subject)

looks like a fun place to fly in

Picture of david

Active airstrip?

The houses are dangerously close to the runway if it's still in use.

Picture of Eduard

Actual coordinates

-41.051666 -73.351110

Picture of fernandodunha

Airport Information

Public Airport

FCA 124.925Mhz

RWY 1350x30 meters (ASPHALT)

VFR Night Operation

AVGAS/JET Fuel Available

More information contact VOA SP

TEL (13) 3421-3080

Picture of espinielli

Fiedl 'ident' in CSV file uses old ICAO (SPIM) instead of ne

I am reporting that the CSV dump of the airport DB for the 'ident' field still uses the old ICAO, SPIM, instead of the new one, SPJC.

My understanding is that the 'ident' field is about ICAO code, from the Data dictionary page (

"The text identifier used in the OurAirports URL. This will be the ICAO code if available. Otherwise, it will be a local airport code (if no conflict), or if nothing else is available, an internally-generated code starting with the ISO2 country code, followed by a dash and a four-digit number."

Picture of darwinroa

Orientación de pista

La orientación actual de la pista es 35 y 17

Picture of Odexvy

(no subject)

Hello, I think that the new ICAO code is SPJC, can you change it in airport.csv ? :)

Picture of feitidede


i hope they managed to check into their flight

Picture of feitidede


fun airport

Picture of Danilo_Pitt

(no subject)


Link Wikipedia:

Elevation AMSL 764 ft / 233 m

the airstrip may be closed

Picture of oslec20

saudações a galera

Sou membro novo. Saudações a todos.

Picture of sengsational

Please ignore the ATSA Arrivals/Departures question

My mistake. I see the flights now.

Picture of sengsational

Why does ATSA not appear in the Arrivals/Departures?

The arrivals and departures include LATAM and many others, but not ATSA. Why not?

Picture of sengsational

When Will Flights Resume?

ATSA Usually flies here, but stopped with the 2020 pandemic. Please reply if flights resume.

Picture of VE6TDH

Long Walk

We had a very long walk to get back to the same gate we arrived at. We had a 2 hour layover while the Air Canada Boeing 777 was being cleaned. Deplaning ramp took us to the arrivals level and to get to the departures level for the same gate it must have been at least 2 km and we had to go past the retail stores and through security just to get to the upper level to re-enter the same aircraft. Maybe this sort of thing will be rectified when the new terminal now under construction gets finished.

Picture of enjuto

(no subject)

Distancias declaradas:


04 1600 1600 1600 1600

22 1600 1600 1600 1600

Normas generales:

Las OPS VFR deberán ajustarse a lo establecido en el ANEXO BRAVO; excepto el inciso c) donde debe reemplazarse el valor por 2000 FT.

Normas particulares:

No disponible OPS IFR. Pertenece al SNA.

Documentos relacionados:


Horario de servicio:

Consultar PIB.

Identificador local:


Categoria SEI:



AVGAS 100 LL / JET A-1


(0345) 4251001

(0345) 4252319 - ARO/AIS

Picture of david

re: RWY Number changed

Reply to @M320FR: thank you! I've updated the runway.

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