Setúbal District, Portugal

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Kèo 1.75 là một loại kèo cược có tính rủi ro cao.

Người chơi cần cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng trước khi đặt cược.

Hãy luôn chơi cá độ bóng đá một cách có trách nhiệm.

Picture of JDF


How can I contact the aerodrome for a landing? Like PPR?

Picture of PapaOscar

(no subject)

Runway is now fully covered with tarp, and in very good condition.

In spite of the obstacles on both ends, it is not a difficult runway.

Picture of PapaOscar


High weeds but smooth surface below. Beautiful area.

Picture of PapaOscar

(no subject)

Herdade do Pontal is a private runway with very little activity. It has more or less 8 ultralights based there.

The runway is in very good condition. There are obstacles on both ends of the runway, but the runway is long enough so is not a factor.

The beginning of the runway has a downslope, transitioning into an upslope.

Picture of radix

(no subject)

The runway is closed and is divided by concrete blocks in 3 sections of ~300 meters, better avoid.

Picture of radix

Good condition

This airstrip is good condition now, it has recently been cleaned and flattened

Picture of Leo2789


Public airfield certified for ultra-lights. Very recent (hence not visible in google maps imagery) with dirt runway in excellent condition.

Picture of Leo2789


Private agricultural airstrip of the "Herdade do Pontal". Has a dirt runway in fairly good condition.

Picture of Leo2789


Public airfield closed in the early 2000's due to the construction of a railway immediately south of it and because of industrial development in general in the area.

Although closed and left unattended for so long, the runway is still in fairly good condition, and it's still used for recreational flights once in a while.

Picture of Leo2789


Important Portuguese Air Force air base, home of 2 Tactical transport squadrons, 1 MEDVAC squadron, and 1 S&R squadron. Aircraft of these squadrons based here include the C-130 Hercules, CASA 212 Aviocar, CASA 295, and various helicopters. The Navy's Helicopter squadron is also based here.

It was decided in 2017 to convert the Air base into a secondary airport of the city of Lisbon, aimed mainly at low-cost carriers. The conversion is already approved, and the 'new' airport is expected to be opened in 2019.

Picture of Leo2789


Private agricultural airstrip near the village of Sonega. By the looks of it, it is currently deactivated, as you can no longer even see that there ever was an airstrip at this location.

Picture of Leo2789


Private agricultural airstrip of "Monte dos Alhos". In very bad condition: barely discernible from the surrounding field.

Picture of Leo2789


Seems to be a private airstrip open to the public. Not much information could be found about this airstrip.

Picture of Leo2789


Private agricultural airstrip near Torrão. In very bad condition.

Picture of Leo2789


Old airfield located in Alhos Vedros, near Moita and Barreiro. Couldn't find any definitive information regarding this airfield, though it appears to have been closed quite some time ago.

Picture of Leo2789

Edit on name

Found information that the airstrip belonged and was originally built by the local corporation "SAPEC, Químicos" (local chemical factory).

Picture of Leo2789


Private agricultural airstrip of "Herdade do Rio Frio". Dirt strip in good condition.

Picture of Leo2789


Private agricultural airstrip of "Herdade de Águas de Moura". Paved but in bad condition.

Picture of Leo2789


Couldn't find much information about this airstrip. Appears to be in bad condition and probably hasn't been used in at least a decade.

Picture of Leo2789


Private airfield open to the public adjacent to the A2 motorway.

Picture of Leo2789


Private agricultural airstrip of the "Herdade da Barrosinha". Used frequently by the owner for crop dusting the property's nearby fields on the banks of the river Sado.

Picture of Leo2789


Agricultural airstrip located just before the Sado river's estuary.

Picture of Leo2789


Closed airfield in what is nowadays the industrial port area of the city of Setúbal. Couldn't find any information regarding the airfield's history or actual name, nor date of closure.

Picture of Leo2789


Private aistrip of the "Coudelaria Herdade do Pinheiro" in Alcácer do Sal. It appears in bad condition and unusable.

Picture of Leo2789


Private airstrip of the "Herdade da Comporta". Some sources claim it is currently deactivated/closed.

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